College Teachers

College faculty can use BEYOND RAGS TO RICHES to help their students better understand American immigration history, Irish history, and world migration. We have research paper suggestions with accompanying primary source documents to insure your students can focus their time on writing and analysis rather than the search for a feasible topic. We also offer short essay assignments that allow your students to delve into original documents without having to devote weeks to the assignment. Our collection can also form the basis of an outstanding senior thesis. Students could write their theses about a particular New York Irish immigrant community based on Irish place of birth (those from Dublin, for example), or those who live in a certain New York neighborhood, or those employed in a certain occupation (carpenters, peddlers, seamstresses, etc.). These same documents could also form the basis of wonderful master's theses. While we typically provide images of documents on only twenty Dubliners, or twenty Five Pointers, or twenty carpenters, our Database provides the precise location one can find census documents on hundreds more immigrants in every category on or where one can find census documents on hundreds more immigrant depositors. 

Instructors can also use our image collection to teach about the potato famine, Irish emigration to America, and immigrant life in American cities like New York. You can also use our maps and historic photos and prints to help your students better understand the potato famine, chain migration, patterns of immigrant settlement, and immigrant life in urban America on the eve of the Civil War.