For Researchers

Even if you are not a student or an academic, you can still have fun with the Beyond Rags to Riches site.  Do you have ancestors from Ireland who emigrated in the Famine era?  Click below on "curated data sets" to see original census data and other 150-year-old materials documenting the lives of immigrants like your ancestors.  Don't see the Irish county of origin of your ancestors on the list? Click on "list of all immigrants in curated documents sets" to see if we have any from your ancestral homeland. Curious to browse the data we collected on all 11,000 Irish immigrants who opened accounts at the Emigrant Savings Bank from 1850 to 1858? Click below on "the data" link.  So long as you have access to Excel, Google Sheets, or a similar spreadsheet application, you can browse our data and see things like what names were most popular among the Irish immigrants, how many were saloonkeepers, which streets and houses contained the most immigrants, or which occupations were the most popular. The possibilities are endless!

the data 

curated document sets

list of all immigrants in curated document sets