Hugh Conaghan, acct. 5055
Additional Information on Hugh Conaghan:
Grace Freel Conaghan 3004 d. Jul 4, 1901 (obit)
Hugh Conaghan 5055 prob. d. bet. 1870-1880 (census)
Thomas Conaghan 17748 was a brother of Hugh 5055 and was naturalized Jul 26, 1858 at NYC--witness was John Freel and Thomas' address was 26th St, tb address for Hugh
Thomas' tb says he had 5 bro and 4 sis--Charles Conaghan 14261 and James K. Conaghan 13633, both w/John Freel could be brothers.
John Freel 1043--prob. d. bet. Jun 1859 when an acct was opened in his name and the 1860 census. His wife, Eliza, must have d. bef. 1860 because their son, John, is with Hugh Freel in 1860.
Hugh Freel 5056--d. May 23, 1909; he was a pawn broker and bondsman--2 articles about his pawn shop on New Chambers St.
1) "Captured on a Roof" The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth, Tues, Feb 20, 1883 p1 col 4--burglars tried to drill into the pawn shop safe from the adjoining vacant lot
2) "Fire in a Pawn Shop" New York Times, Apr 22, 1900--police helped family carry out diamonds, watches, etc as others tried to get in, two canaries were saved
Patrick Freel 16727 and 35107--also had a pawn shop (in Brooklyn); maybe a cousin of Hugh and John but not brother; his tb address 61 Rose St. was Hugh's address in 1869 tb (acct 69380) and 1870 census.
Patrick d. Jan 31, 1884 (obit) or Mar 1, 1884 (estate file)
1866--1881 Brooklyn dir: Freel, Patrick, pawnbroker 86 Grand h 176 Hewes
New York Herald, Saturday, July 6, 1901
CONAGHAN—On Thursday, July 4, GRACE, widow of Hugh Conaghan. Funeral services at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, 84th st. and Park av., today (Saturday), July 6, at ten A. M.
New York Herald, Friday, June 1, 1900
CONAGHAN—On Wednesday, May 30, 1900, JAMES H., son of Grace and the late Hugh Conaghan. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 1467 3d av., on Saturday, June 2, at half-past one P. M.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Tuesday, May 25, 1909
FREEL—On Sunday, May 23, 1909, HUGH FREEL. Funeral from his late residence, 433 Pearl st, on Wednesday, May 26, at 10 A. M., thence to St. Andrew’s Church Duane st. and City Hall place, where a solemn mass of requiem will be offered. Interment in Calvary.