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Patrick and Louisa Brogan, acct. 16548

Additional Information on Patrick and Louisa Brogan:


NYC > near Charlottesville, VA > Leavenworth, KS

1870 has Patrick's name as Henry

Patrick was a tailor.  By 1860 they were at Fredericksville Parish, VA, then Leavenworth, KS in 1870, with son Zacariah who is mentioned in test book.

Zach Brogan stayed in Leavenworth, was a printer in 1880 and became a draughts/checkers expert.  Wrote books, pamphlets on checkers, had a column in newspapers, magazines.  The bits I found about him have dates 1859-1924, that he was born in VA of Irish descent but he was actually born in NYC about 1854.


Patrick and Louisa Brogan, acct. 16548